1inch sponsors the Gitcoin Grants Round 8 Hackathon

We are happy to support developers working on innovative DeFi solutions based on 1inch technologies.
We at 1inch are very keen on incentivizing developers to build technologies that help expand the DeFi space and attract more users. And we strongly believe that hackathons are the place where future tech is born.
1inch’s story is a testimony to how hackathons facilitate the creation of most innovative solutions and projects. In case someone doesn’t know or forgot — 1inch Network co-founders Sergej Kunz and Anton Bukov created the 1inch MVP in just 18 hours at the ETHNewYork hackathon back in 2019. Isn’t 1ich’s success story inspirational enough for fledgling developers?
Therefore, we are glad to sponsor several tasks at the Gitcoin Grants Round 8 Hackathon, which began earlier this month and will run through December 17. We have suggested several challenging and exciting tasks aimed at expanding and improving 1inch products and technologies and the entire DeFi space.
1inch’s tasks at the hackathon are:
- A liquidations bot that uses the 1inch API
- Take profit and stop loss limit orders
- A flow chart for swap paths
- 1inch widget
- An arbitrage bot
We are also running an open track, for which we welcome any technologies aimed at enhancing the DeFi industry, based on the 1inch API. The winner of each track can collect up to $1,000 in CHI tokens.
For all tracks, a working demo and a solid MVP are required.
For task descriptions, go to the GitHub page:
We are totally open to discuss your ideas and answer whatever questions related to the hackathon tracks you may have.
Discord chat:
1inch API documentation:
Get in touch with us, and good luck with the tasks!
Hackathon schedule
Dec 3 — Hackathon Starts
Dec 11 — Workshop
Dec 24 — Submission Deadline
From Dec 25 — Judging
Jan 2 — Winners Announcement
Jan 3 — Payouts