1inch Monthly Digest: December 2023

The 1inch Network is happy to present you the December digest of major news and updates.
Updates, news and integrations
In late December, 'Crypto highlights of the year' became accessible through the 1inch Portfolio and the 1inch Wallet, offering users a chance to review their 2023 crypto activity. This included a quick and concise summary of key trades, gas spent, best performing tokens, ROI, PnL and yearly wallet performance with an option for users to share their crypto achievements on social media.
Also in December, the 1inch Wallet v2.3.0 for iOS was released, introducing Cloud Snapshots. This feature enables autosaving of all key changes in wallets, bookmarks and contacts. Manual snapshots are also available at any time. Cloud Snapshots simplifies restoring wallet data, since any snapshot can be brought back in just a few seconds.
In addition, 1inch was ranked as the leader in frontend trading volume, having taken that position in November. Frontend volumes are notable for reflecting genuine user activity, unlike other volumes influenced by bots involved in arbitrage and MEV, which are often affected by slippage and poor price discovery.
As 1inch continues to collaborate with the DeFi space’s most promising projects, Arkis, which offers multichain, undercollateralized leverage powered by portfolio margin, integrated the 1inch Swap API.
Staying on the topic of integrations, yield optimizer Beefy released ZAP V3 with 1inch among the route providers.
Another collaboration included a quest and advent calendar with Journal Du Coin, a leading French crypto news source.
1inch sponsored ETHIndia, the world's biggest Ethereum hackathon held in Bengaluru Dec 8-10. It offered bounties with a total of $20,000. Notably, 56 projects were submitted to 1inch-sponsored tracks, a record number for hackathons with 1inch bounties. Additionally, 1inch organized a quiz at the event, offering a skateboard and two $100 1INCH prizes.
At ETHIndia, the 1inch team provided inspiration, shared valuable insights in a workshop and participated in various side events. Aleksandra Fetisova, Marketing Partnerships Lead, discussed 'Onboarding the Next Billion Users to Web3' at Metamorphosis 2023 and Tanner Moore, 1inch’s Dev Rel, contributed to the meetup Back the Buidlers 2.0.
Also in December, 1inch x Cointelegraph AMA, 'Navigating DeFi's Future,' featuring 1inch co-founders, Sergej Kunz and Anton Bukov, was held.
Key stats
- Ethereum: $323.7B in volume, 15.1M swaps, 2.5M users
- BNB Chain: $40.2B in volume, 22.6M swaps, 4.4M users
- Polygon: $24.5B in volume, 20.6M swaps, 2.5M users
- Optimism: $4.8B in volume, 2.1M swaps, 491K users
- Avalanche: $6.6B in volume, 2.3M swaps, 529K users
- Fantom: $2.3B in volume, 1.3M swaps, 135.9K users
- Arbitrum: $14.4B in volume, 6.1M swaps, 1.1K users
- Gnosis: $407.6M in volume, 2.1M swaps, 68.4K users
- 1inch Fusion mode: 16.6B in volume, 2.1M swaps, 661K users
Stay tuned for more exciting news and announcements from the 1inch Network!