1inch Network Monthly digests DeFi

1inch Monthly Digest: August 2022

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by 1inch Network

• 2 min read

The 1inch Network is happy to present you the August digest of major news and updates.

Updates, news and integrations

As the 1inch Network is always keen on fostering mass adoption of DeFi products and services, the expansion to Klaytn, a metaverse and GameFi-friendly blockchain, came as a natural step for 1inch.

Also, 1inch was integrated into the KuCoin Wallet to power its native swap feature. The integration enabled KuCoin Wallet users to take advantage of token swaps across multiple blockchains at the best possible rates.

Another notable integration was with Aurora, which runs on the NEAR blockchain and is one of the highest-performance third-generation L1 protocols. The integration enables users access to faster and cheaper transactions on multiple DEXes.

In other news, the 1inch Aggregation API was added to the fiat/crypto payment platform Wirex’ non-custodial wallet to facilitate its token exchange functionality.

Also, 1inch was integrated into the DeFi & AI platform iMe’s non-custodial crypto wallet, and the 1INCH token was added as collateral to the open-source non-custodial liquidity protocol Aave.

Meanwhile, the extension of 1inch’s gas refund program enabled yet more users to benefit from it.

In a bid to educate more people about DeFi, Bankless Academy launched a learning series on DEXes and liquidity in partnership with 1inch.

In August, the 1inch Network continued to run DeFi Visions, a series of video interviews with DeFi’s most prominent personalities and projects. Check out the most recent episodes, featuring Superfluid’s Francesco Renzi, MetaMask’s Jordan Spence, Chainlink’s Solange Gueiros, Edge & Node’s Camila Ramos and Rockaway Blockchain Fund’s Dusan Kovacic.

The main takeaways from DeFi Visions interviews are also available on this blog.


While many used their time in August to go on vacation, 1inch team members continued to participate in various events across the globe, including Coinfest Asia in Bali and ETH Seul in South Korea.

Key stats

  • Ethereum: $207 bln in volume, 7.1 mln swaps, 1.4 mln users
  • BNB Chain: $19.4 bln in volume, 5.9 mln swaps, 885.6k users
  • Polygon: $15 bln in volume, 8.9 mln swaps, 1 mln users
  • Optimism: $655.7 mln in volume, 115.6k swaps, 39.9k users
  • Avalanche: $500.4 mln in volume, 99.2k swaps, 9.8k users
  • Fantom: $183.8 mln in volume, 361.9k swaps, 4.7k users

Stay tuned for more exciting news and announcements from the 1inch Network!

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1inch Network

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